How Do I Convert my Overseas Motorcycle Licence to a Victorian Motorcycle Licence

So you want to convert you Overseas Motorcycle Licence to a Victorian Motorcycle Licence? The first thing you’ll need to do is find out whether your licence is from what’s known as a recognised country. If your licence is from a recognised country, it’s a fairly easy process. You take your overseas motorcycle licence to a VicRoads office, they will site that licence and convert it to a Victorian motorcycle licence for you. If your motorcycle licence is not from a recognised country, you will still need to attend a VicRoads office and have your overseas motorcycle licence verified at that VicRoads office.
You will also need either a Victorian car licence or a VicRoads customer number. If you don’t have either of these, you can organise that while you are at the VicRoads office. Once you’ve had that licence verified, contact us at Baylink Motorcycle Training Centre or book online at to undertake the Overseas Licence Conversion course.
The Overseas Motorcycle Licence conversion consists of a two day learner permit course followed by a licence assessment at the end of the second day. We take you out on a licence ride and once you’ve passed that licence ride, we issue you with your motorcycle licence. The motorcycle licence is either a full licence or it’s a restricted licence, depending on how long you’ve had your overseas motorcycle licence for. If you’ve had your overseas motorcycle licence for more than three years, then you will be issued with a full motorcycle licence with no restrictions at the end of the two days.
Please also refer to our video ‘How do I convert my overseas motorcycle licences to a Victorian motorcycle licence’ under FAQ’s or our YouTube channel @baylinkmc.
If you do have any more questions, please feel free to give us a call at Baylink Motorcycle Training Centre (03) 5979 1600. We’d be more than happy to answer any further questions you have.