The first thing you will need to do is contact VicRoads to find out if your licence is from a recognized country. If so you will not need to undertake any further training.You will need to attend a VicRoads office where they will organize the conversion.

If your licence is not from a recognized country you will need to attend a VicRoads office to have your motorcycle licence and riding experience verified. Once verified, VicRoads will make a note on your file confirming your licence can be converted to a Victorian motorcycle licence

If you do not hold a Victorian car licence you will also need to obtain a VicRoads Customer Number as well as successfully passing the motor car Learner Permit Test and Hazard perception test.You need to complete this before booking your overseas motorcycle conversion course.

Once everything is verified with VicRoads you will be required to successfully complete the 2 day motorcycle learner course.

Upon successful completion of the 2 day Learner Course you will undertake the licence assessment. Once this is successfully completed Baylink will issue you with a Victorian Motorcycle Licence.

The licence assessment takes approximately 1 hour and is conducted at the end of day 2 on the 2 Day Learner Course so there is no requirement to re-attend Baylink at a later date to complete the licence assessment.

If you hold a current Victorian car licence showing your current Victorian address this is sufficient identification. You will also need your overseas licence.

If you do not hold a Victorian car licence you will need the following.

  1. Proof of Victorian residence which can be a bank statement or utilities bill in your name showing your current Victorian address.
  2. Passport confirming your identity.
  3. VicRoads Customer Number.
  4. Overseas motorcycle licence.
  5. Proof you have successfully completed the motor car Learner Test and Hazard Perception Test.

Choosing a safe speed is critical to safe riding on-road. You’ll be assessed on your ability to recognise and respond to situations where you need to slow down.  However, if traffic and weather conditions allow you’ll need to demonstrate confidently travelling at the speed limit. You’ll also need to maintain a safe gap when behind other vehicles at all times.

Moving away (buffering) from hazards such as other vehicles and pedestrians is essential to safe riding. You’ll be assessed on your ability to choose a safe and legal position on the road that maximises space from hazards.


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Monday-Friday: 9am to 5pm; Satuday: 10am to 2pm
7300-7398 Colonial Rd, Brooklyn 242 Wythe Ave #4, Brooklyn
+ (123) 124-567-8901 + (123) 124-567-8901
grandprix@qodeinteractive.com grandprix@qodeinteractive.com
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