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Baylink Motorcycle Training

Bike Maintenance Tip

Bike Maintenance Tip

Tyres are the things that maintain our grip on the road so we need to look after them.

Checking your tyre pressures regularly is very important. We would recommend a visual check of your tyres before every ride.
You should be looking for obviously low tyre pressures but also any damage to your tyres.

Once a fortnight checking your tyres with a tyre gauge is a must. Tyres will naturally lose pressure over time so we need to stay on top of them.
Inflate your tyres to the manufacturer’s recommended pressures and your bike will remain a joy to ride.

Checking tyre wear is also very important. Our roads are built with a camber or angle on them to help water run off.
This does however cause our tyres to wear unevenly.
A motorcycle can still have legal tread depths but if the tyre has worn unevenly ie more on one side than the other, our motorcycles won’t handle properly and can become hard to turn or just ride in a straight line.

Keeping an eye on tyre pressures and tyre wear is cheap insurance to keep you safe on the roads and will make your riding so much more enjoyable. For professional service and advice on motorcycle maintenance, visit MK1 Motorcycles, a specialised service repair shop for motorcycles.



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Monday-Friday: 9am to 5pm; Satuday: 10am to 2pm
7300-7398 Colonial Rd, Brooklyn 242 Wythe Ave #4, Brooklyn
+ (123) 124-567-8901 + (123) 124-567-8901
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