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Baylink Motorcycle Training

How Do I Get a Motorcycle Licence?


Today we are going to go over how you actually obtain your Victorian motorcycle licence. Once you’ve successfully completed the two day learner permit course, the next stage in obtaining your licence is to attend a Check Ride. The Check Ride is a 3.5 hour coaching course which is designed to get you ready to pass your motorcycle licence.

The Check Ride consists of on range activities where you will be given coaching on braking, cornering and a number of other activities. Once you have successfully completed that, you are taken out on the road to do a road ride. The road ride is again an instructional ride where you will have the opportunity to ride in front of an instructor. You will be given tips on your riding and we will also discuss the five main accident types and how you can keep yourself safe up out on the road. Once you’ve completed the Check Ride, the next step now is your motorcycle licence assessment. Note, from the time that you obtain your learner permit to the time you do your licence assessment must not be less than 3 months. The minimum amount of time in which you can obtain you licence from permit stage through to completing your licence assessment is 3 months, keep this in mind when booking each stage of your assessments (check ride and licence assessment). Additionally, you must wait a minimum of one calendar month between doing your Check Ride and doing your motorcycle licence assessment. Once you’ve waited that required time frame, you can come back and undertake the licence assessment.

The licence assessment consists of an on range activity and then a ride out on the road. With the licence assessment, there is no coaching. We observe how you ride on the motorcycle, make sure you’re riding that motorcycle safely and legally. Once you’ve done the on range assessment, the instructor takes you out on the road, we follow you around a set route and we assess your riding.

Once you’ve successfully completed that, you will be issued with a Victorian motorcycle licence. That licence is subject to some restrictions, but if you wish to know more, please see our blog and video on motorcycle licence restrictions and E conditions.


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Monday-Friday: 9am to 5pm; Satuday: 10am to 2pm
7300-7398 Colonial Rd, Brooklyn 242 Wythe Ave #4, Brooklyn
+ (123) 124-567-8901 + (123) 124-567-8901
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