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Baylink Motorcycle Training

What Conditions are on a Motorcycle Learner Permit?

Driving Instructor Showing Motorcycle Commands

If you’ve successfully passed your motorcycle learner permit two day course and hold a valid motorcycle learner permit, congratulations, you are now allowed to ride a motorcycle on the road. But there are some restrictions on what you can and can’t do.

The first thing you need to make sure you’re doing is riding what’s called a LAMS approved motorcycle. LAMS stands for Learner Approved Motorcycle Scheme. The motorcycles in the LAMS list are up to 660 CCS and with a certain power to weight ratio. If you want to find out whether your bike is a LAMS approved motorcycle, you can go to the VicRoads website here, they have a complete list of all all the Lambs motorcycles.

You will also need to display an L plate at the back of the motorcycle. You must wear an approved reflective vest. You must carry your learner permit whenever you’re riding your motorcycle. The headlight for that motorcycle must always be on when you’re riding it as well. You’re not allowed to carry any passengers on your motorcycle while you’re on your learner permit and you must have a zero blood alcohol level.

You’re also not allowed to tow a trailer with your motorcycle. With regard to Mobile Phone Use, you are allowed to use your mobile phone for specific things, but there are also restrictions around that. If you require any further information in relation to mobile phone use, we do have a blog and video relating just to mobile phone use on a motorcycle.
Please have a look at that.

You are not allowed to lane filter while you are on your motorcycle learner permit, so you are not allowed to move through slow moving traffic. Lastly, you need to wear an approved motorcycle helmet whenever you’re riding your motorcycle.

If you have any further questions, please feel free to give us a call at Baylink Motorcycle Training Centre, (03) 5979 1600, we’ll be more than happy to help you.


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Monday-Friday: 9am to 5pm; Satuday: 10am to 2pm
7300-7398 Colonial Rd, Brooklyn 242 Wythe Ave #4, Brooklyn
+ (123) 124-567-8901 + (123) 124-567-8901
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