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Baylink Motorcycle Training

What Conditions are on a Motorcycle Licence for the First 3 years?

Man Woman Laughing While Riding Motorcycle

If you’ve just successfully passed your motorcycle licence assessment, congratulations and well done, you have now been issued with a Victorian motorcycle licence. However, you are now subject to what is called an E condition on that motorcycle licence. The E condition applies for the first three years from the time you obtain your motorcycle licence. These conditions are as follows.

You can only ride a LAMS (Learner Approved) Motorcycle for the first three years of having your motorcycle licence. You are not allowed to have any alcohol in your system and you are not allowed to carry passengers. Your reflective vest has now become optional. A P plate would only need to be displayed on the back of your motorcycle if you are still a probationary driver of your car. Once your probationary period expires for your car, you can remove the P plate regardless of whether you’re still under that E condition or not. If you do have a full car licence, then you don’t put a P plate on your motorcycle.

Now that you’ve passed your motorcycle licence, you’re also allowed to lane filter, meaning you are now allowed to move through slow moving traffic at no more than 30 kilometres an hour. There are some rules around lane filtering though, you’re not allowed to lane filter between a car and a gutter. You’re not allowed to lane filter between a car travelling the same direction as you and an oncoming vehicle. However, you are allowed to move between two lanes of slow moving traffic.

So that basically covers the E conditions on your motorcycle licence. Again, as I said, these will be in place for the first three years. If you have any further questions in relation to E conditions or motorcycle licencing and riding in general, please feel free to give us a call at Baylink Motorcycle Tranining Centre on (03) 5979 1600!



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Monday-Friday: 9am to 5pm; Satuday: 10am to 2pm
7300-7398 Colonial Rd, Brooklyn 242 Wythe Ave #4, Brooklyn
+ (123) 124-567-8901 + (123) 124-567-8901
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