How Do I Obtain a Victorian Motorcycle Learner Permit?

To start with, you need to be at least 18 years of age. You must either hold a Victorian car driver’s licence or a Victorian car learner permit.
If you don’t hold either of these, you will need to attend a VicRoads office and obtain a VicRoads customer number. If you do not have acar licence or car learner permit, you will also need to successfully pass a road rules test at a VicRoads office. So once you have that in place, you attend a two day Learner Permit course with Baylink Motorcycle Training Centre.
The two day course is based basically two full days of motorcycle riding and motorcycle tuition and generally starts at 8:00 a.m. in the morning and finishes around 4.00 p.m. in the afternoon. Day one of the two day course is spent going over the main controls of the motorcycle and some basic riding techniques.
We also spend some time in the classroom going through roadcraft and doing some other theory exercises. At the end of day one, you will also be required to successfully pass a motorcycle knowledge test. This is a written multiple choice test, so we strongly suggest that you read the Victorian Riders Handbook before attending one of our learner permit courses.
Once you’ve passed the knowledge test on day one, you come back for day two. Day two is again on range riding activities as well as class classroom theory. Day two also contains a motorcycle riding assessment conducted on our range, which is generally undertaken and done before lunchtime. Once you have successfully passed the riding assessment on our range, the next stage is going out on a road ride.
We take you out with an instructor and we introduce you to riding on the road. You’ll be given coaching and tips out on the road and you’ll get a bit of a taste of being out in traffic and actually riding a motorcycle on the road. Once you’ve successfully passed eache of those assessments, at the end of day two, you will be issued with a Victorian Motorcycle Learner permit which is valid for 15 months.
This allows you to ride a motorcycle on the road subject to certain restrictions. For details on those restrictions, please see our blog and video on Motorcycle Learner Permit Restrictions.